Moving forward towards a digital education marketplace 🚀 – with this goal in mind, the MERLOT project partners met in Potsdam this week.
“At this consortium meeting, I noticed very positively that the various work teams are networking more and more intensively with each other and coordinating their work. Regarding the cross-divisional technical solutions, everyone is focusing their work on being able to integrate them into the MERLOT marketplace in the best possible way. We are moving forward and are convinced that we will reach our goal together,” Helko Lehmann, imc Learning, summarized the two days. “We are currently completing our first proof of concept, where we are implementing the architecture of our marketplace in its basic structure for the first time. There, everyone will be able to try out simple versions of our use cases to see how they work,” said the head of the consortium, describing the next steps.
💡 By the end of the year, it will be clear which value propositions the consortium can score with and how new partners can be acquired. This is a decisive step, because the MERLOT marketplace will live in the future from the fact that numerous interested parties will use it – directly as participants such as educational institutions, service or data providers, or companies looking for skilled workers – but indirectly also students in their search for the right profession or employees who want to further their education or discover new career opportunities.
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